Body Balance

Most of my life I had a well developed butt causing the focus on my body to be on that area. My measurements at that time were: bust 32, waist, 23, hips 37 (I knew this because I sewed my clothes and had to know my measurements).  Because there was such a difference between my waist and hips my hips appeared to be even wider.

Now I wasn’t embarrassed about having a well developed butt. The fact was I liked having a very small waist. I still do even though it’s not 23 inches anymore :-(.  I just had to learn to create balance so the focus was on my waist and not my butt. By putting focus on my waist my body appeared to be in more balance.

I needed to create this balance because when my body appeared to be more in balance I felt more in balance. When my body felt out of balance, I felt out of balance. Much of my life I could easily feel out of balance so by dressing in balance it was easier to navigate life.

I needed to create this balance because when my body appeared to be more in balance I felt more in balance. When my body felt out of balance, I felt out of balance. Much of my life I could easily feel out of balance so by dressing in balance it was easier to navigate life.

The 5 Body Element System helps you create an overall balance or symmetry. That is when one part of your body doesn’t overpower any other part and as a result you feel balanced.

The 5 Body Element System helps you create an overall balance or symmetry. That is when one part of your body doesn’t overpower any other part and as a result you feel balanced.

Along with having a large hip area, my upper body is longer than my legs. This fact blew me away because I have always had a hard time finding pant legs long enough. This out of balance was really emphasized when wearing capris.

My body proportions are:

  • Long between chin and breast
  • Long between breast and waist
  • Same between waist and crotch
  • Same between crotch and knees
  • Short between knees and floor

The results are: I’m long between my chin and waist by about 2 inches and short between my knees and floor about 2 inches.  The result is my upper body is about 4 inches longer than my lower body.

I never knew this until I actually measured my body proportions. I’m 5’8” and as I said before, all my life I have had problems with pant length. Having short legs never crossed my mind.

Back to why capri pants put my body out of balance. Horizontal lines shorten a body area, and put emphasis on that area and makes it appear wider. I use horizontal lines all the time in my upper body because it’s 2 inches longer and I have a small waist. Horizontal lines create balance in this area.

However horizontal lines don’t create balance between my knees and floor.  Horizontal lines make that area look even shorter causing my legs to look even shorter than they are and my upper body look even longer.

However horizontal lines don’t create balance between my knees and floor.  Horizontal lines make that area look even shorter causing my legs to look even shorter than they are and my upper body look even longer.

What do I do? I don’t wear capris even though they are sold everywhere. I don’t wear any pant length stopping between my knees and ankles.

Feeling out of balance? Maybe it’s the clothes you are wearing. Compare the clothes you feel balanced in to the ones you feel out of balance. What are the differences? Stay away from that which makes you feel out of balance.

Tell us what you discovered by making comments below. You just might inspire someone else to discover why they feel out of balance.

Tell us what you discovered by making comments below. You just might inspire someone else to discover why they feel out of balance.

I was 100% blown away by my results when I did the Body Proportion exercises.

Wear Your Greatness!!

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